No Waste November tegen zwerfafval

It is No-Waste-November at Ecoras!

Our team likes to walk during lunch breaks. When doing so, we unfortunately encounter litter all too often. But how much litter do colleagues actually encounter during their walk? And what type of litter is found? To answer that, we dedicated this month as ”No-Waste-November”, a month in which we make an extra effort to …

The Processing of Biobased Plastics – Part 2

Processability In the first part of the series on the processing of biobased plastics we gave a general introduction into the current market and the common perceptions in the plastics industry. To further our understanding of the processing of biobased plastics, we need to work with some general considerations that are applicable to plastic processing …

Life Cycle Assessment – a valuable tool for business & strategic decision making

Life Cycle thinking When talking about a life cycle of a product or service, it means that all the preceding processes, from the extraction of materials, the production, its use and even the end of its use (end of life of the product used) is taken into consideration. During the life cycle, inputs are provided …

The Processing of Biobased Plastics – Part 1

Biobased plastics provide a solution to a problem that we are all familiar with. Current plastics are mostly derived from petroleum-based feedstock and thus inevitably introduce carbon to the environment that was previously stored in underground fossil reservoirs. In contrast, biobased plastics are made from feedstock derived from biological sources and thus only introduce carbon …

Chemical recycling – Towards a circular economy for plastics

The global challenge of combating plastic pollution has gained increased attention in the recent years. For example, in 2018 the “European Strategy for Plastic in a Circular Economy” was adopted with the aim of transforming the way plastic products are designed, produced, used and recycled. As a concrete example the EU aims to achieve 100 …

PolyHydroxyAlanoate (PHA): The time is ripe for a turning point in plastic history

Plastic pollution is a growing global problem because commercial plastics are not biodegradable. The way we currently design, produce and consume plastics is both unsustainable and inefficient. One of the important measures to combat plastic pollution and then secure a sustainable future for people and the environment is to rethink the design of plastic products. …

Meten van Circulariteit? Dat kan!

Ondanks de groeiende aandacht voor de circulaire economie is circulariteit voor veel organisaties nog een complex en onbezonnen begrip. En dat is heel goed te begrijpen, want hoe meet je circulariteit nou precies? Wanneer je het over de energietransitie hebt, dan is meten relatief simpel – je meet in energie-eenheden. Maar wanneer je het hebt …