Laws and regulations are a big part of the transition to a circular economy, but for many companies and organizations this is a complex part (e.g. CSRD Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). M&G Group encountered this as well. “We were increasingly getting questions about what materials our products contain and what that means if you want to export these products. The European regulations around sustainability, material use and waste streams are quite complicated and in some cases implemented differently by the member states,” says Henk Bruining, Regulation & Innovation Manager of M&G Group. “We wanted to gain insight into this. As M&G Group, we don’t shy away from calling in experts for topics we are no expertise in. We also like to work with local parties. Ecoras is right around the corner from us, so it couldn’t be more local. I was able to visit Ecoras on foot, which is something I have never experienced before,” Henk Bruining laughs. Ecoras was also pleasantly surprised when their back neighbor contacted them for advice. “Of course we wanted to help M&G Group with this,” explains Sven Jurgens of Ecoras, “but in addition to providing insight into the current regulations, it is also efficient to simultaneously map out what will be expected of you in the future (e.g. on CSRD Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). M&G Group is very pragmatic about this and therefore also asked us to advise them on how they can subsequently comply with these regulations.”
We are mindful of the impact of our business
“And advise they did,” Henk adds. “We now know what information we need. It’s up to us to collect this data, secure it and do something clever with it. Just collecting data is pretty useless; you then have to make policy on it. We are working on sustainability anyway. Last year we built a new factory in Assen, where we focused as much as possible on sustainability, biodiversity and blending into the landscape. At the rear of the building a forest is being created for the large forest mouse, an endangered species that will feel at home in this forest. On the left side of the property, the ground has been sown with wildflowers and plants for the bee population, and the flight paths of bats are also taken into account by only lighting the property to a very limited extent at night. The parking lots are made with grass boulders that allow water to drain well and keep the ground from drying out. We have climbing plants against the facade and a roof full of solar panels. We are conscious of the impact of our business. Throughout 2023 we are still moving production equipment and the new plant will be fully operational in early 2024. In between, we want to form policies about the sustainability of our products.”
Doing what you can and knowing the impact of what you do
“Ecoras’ inventory and advice was the starting point for us. We were initially happy to hear that there were no acute points concern. Now we can collect the data, make policy on it and use this as a starting point to do better every year. We want to be anticipatory of what is expected of us so that we are able to demonstrate that we are doing the maximum and know what we are delivering.” And Sven Jurgens couldn’t agree more. “That’s exactly what making your business sustainable is all about. Doing what you can and knowing the impact of what you’re doing.”
Do you have questions regarding CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive)?
Do you want to know if your company already complies with the various European regulations around sustainability? For example, the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), which states that from 2024, large companies must report on their impact on people and the environment. Or the European regulations around the use of plastic packaging material? We are happy to advise on this. Want to know more about environmental impact analyses? Then read here 10 reasons to have an LCA done.