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Impact & Analysis

Change starts with understanding the impact and identifying sustainability opportunities. We accomplish this through CO2 footprint and life cycle analysis (LCA). With our material & recycling knowledge, we also determine the circularity performance.

We start looking from the raw materials upwards. We map material and energy flows and make inefficiencies transparent. Improvement recommendations always accompany an environmental impact analysis. This makes the LCA the result as well as the starting point for your transition to a circular economy.

Ecoras is happy to advise you on which environmental impact analysis is the right one for you.

Why Ecoras for environmental impact analysis?

Our impact analysts have a broad knowledge of production chains. We always think beyond the request. We check whether more environmentally friendly alternatives for materials or production chains exist. We look at whether we can add value to residual flows, whether bio-based alternatives are possible and where to find the quick wins. We have independent impact analysts because we are also qualified to review impact analyses such as LCAs.

Frequently Asked Sustainability Questions

We provide insight into the environmental impact by means of an impact analysis. This can be a CO2 footprint, which is limited to CO2 emissions, or a life cycle analysis (LCA) where we analyse a broader environmental impact.

With a CO2 footprint, we look at the CO2 emissions of your company, which can be broken down in three categories:

  1. The emissions you create by using energy in your operations. The emissions created by your own building, transport and production-related activities.
  2. The emissions generated for the energy you purchase.
  3. Indirect emissions due to the production of your purchased goods and outsourced activities such as transport. Business travel is also part of scope 3.

According to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, an organisation at least takes responsibility for emissions of CO2 caused by Scope 1 and 2.

If you want a complete picture of your company’s environmental impact, we recommend a life cycle analysis (LCA). We offer 3 variations:

  1. Quick scan analysis is a global analysis of the environmental impact of your product, service or process. We make transparent what the crucial points are.
  2. Screening LCA is an exploratory analysis. We dive deeper into the matter of your raw materials and take a slightly broader look at the various environmental impact indicators than in a Quick Scan. It is also possible to include partners in the value chain or a comparison with a competing product.
  3. Complete LCA is the most comprehensive analysis, mapping all material and energy flows as well as all critical points within the chain. The chain partners are also included. The analysis is performed according to European methodologies (PCR/PEFCR/OEFCR) and complied to ISO 14044/40. You receive a sustainability report – with possible follow-up actions – which is also valid proof for subsidies and investments. The Complete LCA is the foundation for an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). This is a European-recognised reporting format in which the most important environmental impact indicators are presented transparently.

You see there are many different analysis and reporting formats, each serving a different purpose. Ecoras advises you which analysis is right for your purpose.

First of all, you need a starting point, a measurement of what the current environmental impact is. This can be provided by a CO2 footprint and a Life Cycle Analysis, also known as an LCA. Ecoras performs both types of impact analyses. Our impact analyses are always accompanied by improvement recommendations that we put in a broad context. This makes an LCA or a CO2 impact analysis the starting point for reducing your environmental impact in addition to the final result of the analysis. The key impact points within your company are made transparent and you know where you can take action.

An LCA is a life cycle assessment. An LCA shows you the environmental impact of your company, product or process.

Ecoras offers three different life cycle analyses so there is a relevant analysis for every business, product or situation. For example, we made an environmental impact analysis for Wellness Pet Company for their new factory in Veendam. In addition to their CO2 footprint, the LCA showed Wellness Pet Company several useful results. For instance, it showed that transport by sea, which they use, has a much lower environmental impact than transport by land. They were very pleased with that, but it also turned out that they used more energy than they would like. They started working on that right away. Now they closely monitor their energy consumption within the factory, so they gain insight and can optimise their usage. Some of their ingredients also had a bigger impact than they initially thought. In this case, to measure is to know, and they know what they can take action on.

An LCA is performed according to European methodologies (PCR/PEFCR/OEFCR) and complies with ISO 14044/40. You receive a sustainability report – provided with possible follow-up steps – which is also valid proof for applications for subsidies and investments. LCA is the foundation for an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) This is a European recognised reporting format in which you list the most important environmental impact indicators.


During a CIRCO Track, participants are introduced to the circular economy and the benefits it can bring to the business. The term ‘circular economy’ is an abstract concept for many entrepreneurs. Where to start, what to tackle and what are the costs?  Circularity is actually about practical issues such as using less energy, paper, packaging materials, cleaner transport and recycling all kinds of waste. The programme is not just idealistic. A CIRCO Track leads to a new (circular) business model that briefly and powerfully describes how the company creates, delivers and preserves value.

A CIRCO Track includes three half-day meetings, with each participant working on their own product(s). Together with a CIRCO trainer from Ecoras, participants will explore circular opportunities. This involves examining various issues, such as waste in the production process, but also the raw materials used. Perhaps there are more sustainable alternatives e.g. a bio-based raw material or a raw material from a waste stream. But we also look at broadening services. Can companies perhaps offer repairs, allowing products to be used again or for a longer time? In short, a CIRCO Track provides practical tools to get started with circularity. You develop your own business case into a specific plan, realisable in your company in the short term.