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LCA Training – NHL Stenden

At the end of April, Ecoras gave a two-part ”LCA Basics (Life Cycle Assessment) training”to the professors and employees of the professorships Sustainable Plastics and Circular Plastics of NHL-Stenden. The coming years, LCA’s will become an increasingly important theme within the sustainability transition as well as within the research groups at NHL-Stenden working on more sustainable materials and processes.



The training introduced the participants to the LCA methodology and its possibilities. The basic principles were explained, but there was also plenty of practice with an example case. During the second day, a number of LCA-components and developments were discussed in more detail. Finally, the do’s and dont’s of reporting impact-results were discussed. It was a successful day with many interesting discussions and questions.

“The training given by Ecoras was very good for a first introduction to LCAs and especially their use. In two days with homework assignments, you get a good experience of what LCAs can mean in a research project and the discussions about the methods and impact results had a great inspiring effect on the research group. This makes it a lot easier for those few who already had experience with LCAs, as an integral part of research projects of new materials and products, to make others understand the need for LCAs in applied research. This course, as well as a follow-up, is therefore highly recommended.”

Daan van Rooijen & Rudy Folkersma, NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences

Curious about the activities at NHL Stenden in the field of sustainable and circular plastics? Check this link!

NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences - UASNL