Renewable Natural Gas for the municipality of Bathmen

How could livestock farmers around Bathmen contribute to Bathmen’s energy transition through the mono-fermentation of manure? This was the question that the municipality of Deventer and the local energy cooperative Noaber energie submitted to Ecoras and CCS Energieadvies. Together, an exploratory study was carried out in the autumn of 2021 on the feasibility of green gas production from manure fermentation.

Within this project, several underlying social issues are addressed in terms of sustainability and the environment. Of these, the energy transition and the nitrogen problem play major roles in the area. By looking at fermentation and upgrading the biogas to renewable natural gas (and upgrading it to natural gas quality), part of Bathmen’s heat demand can be met on the one hand and, on the other hand, the nitrogen content of the manure can be reduced by removing a large part of the nitrogen using processing-techniques.

Two finished products have been delivered; a report giving a first impetus for a follow-up and an excel model in which two scenarios have been further calculated for both a business case and the consequence on the environmental impact.

Project partner: CCS Energie-Advies in Deventer | Homepagina | Cocos (