Wad van Waarde – exploratory environmental analysis
In the Wad van Waarde project “From plastic soup to vegetable soup”, Ecoras helps to develop alternatives for the large plastic polluters of the Wadden Sea. One of the products they focus on are food storage containers made of a bioplastic called Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA’s).
Within Wad van Waarde, an exploratory environmental impact analysis study is being carried out by Ecoras in which PP and PHA are being investigated on the basis of a number of environmental impact indicators. Amongst others, climate change (CO2), ecotoxicity, human health, material loss and a first indication is added from the literature in the field of microplastics (half-life of plastic in the marine environment).
With the results of this analysis, insight can be provided into the potential environmental impact during the design phase of the alternative products and uncover which data is not yet (sufficiently) available.