Toepassing van PHA in spuitgieten

EMPHATI – kick-off event ‘Using PHA tuned for injection moulding’

How can PHA-based biopolymers and PHA blends with natural fibers be better optimized for injection moulding? What opportunities and challenges arise in the application of PHA in injection moulding? What are the experiences of the project partners regarding application in existing processes, product ranges and LCA? These and other questions will take center stage at …

Symposium Roadside-Grass: The New Gold

This symposium is intended for farmers, municipal and provincial policy makers, nature organizations and water authorities. In cooperation with farmer Pieter van der Valk, the Ministry of I&W and Wageningen University, the intermediate state of affairs is taken with regard to composting in the region. In addition to plenary sessions, workshops will provide handouts to …

The Processing of Biobased Plastics – Part 2

Processability In the first part of the series on the processing of biobased plastics we gave a general introduction into the current market and the common perceptions in the plastics industry. To further our understanding of the processing of biobased plastics, we need to work with some general considerations that are applicable to plastic processing …

The Processing of Biobased Plastics – Part 1

Biobased plastics provide a solution to a problem that we are all familiar with. Current plastics are mostly derived from petroleum-based feedstock and thus inevitably introduce carbon to the environment that was previously stored in underground fossil reservoirs. In contrast, biobased plastics are made from feedstock derived from biological sources and thus only introduce carbon …